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Study Life: How Studying Abroad Helped My Career


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Degrees and Careers Study Life series features international students who chat about their study experiences, and how they navigated their study program in their host country.

In this Study Life episode, we chat with Deborah, a University of Huddersfield Alumna, who moved to the UK in 2021 for her Master’s program. Debby talks about her study life experience, how studying abroad shaped her career, networking and the labour market in the UK.

Where and what did you study?

I studied Business Intelligence and Analytics at the University of Huddersfield in the United Kingdom.

How would you describe your study life experience? 

My study life experience was good. It wasn’t bad at all. I definitely experienced culture shock but I’d talk about the study life first. One of the things I found amazing was that we weren’t taught thoroughly.

They would say you had maybe 100 hours of study but they would only teach you for 20 hours, Like you’re only in the classroom for 20 hours and the remaining 80 hours was supposed to be for self-study and I just found that funny. So most times we were not spoon-fed. They would say “Oh you’re Masters students and you have to learn on your own, you’re no longer undergrads.” That was one of the things that was funny and amazing.

I also liked that the learning environment was conducive for me. I enjoyed going to the uni because everywhere was really good. Great library and everywhere was pretty. You’d want to learn in that environment. 

One of the biggest culture shocks for me would be having to get a bag when buying something from the store. I was like “In Lagos, they would even double the bag for you. Why are you telling me to pay for a bag?” Anyway, I learnt to start taking my shopping bags when leaving home. 

The smoking culture was also a shock. Even at work, people would take smoke breaks. Other differences would be people smiling at you and holding the door for you. So I learnt to smile back and hold the door for someone as well.

How important was networking during your studies, and how has it impacted your career?

Networking is really important. I feel like in every aspect of our lives you have to network. For instance, in school, it was important because most times you could miss out on information if you didn’t have different people you talked to. Then, it also helped me study more when I joined a study group. You know, you rub minds together. Also, when you’re in a new country you need to talk to people, make friends, and have a social life. I’d say networking helped me in that aspect of my study life.

I would also add that your networking skills in school are what you’d use in the professional world as well. You need to network not just among your peers but also upwards, with people not in the same pay grade as you are. They can put you through things you did not know, and teach you how to navigate your career. Networking with your peers would also help you guys rub your minds together, grow together, and learn things from each other.

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Did you participate in any internships during your studies? How did this influence your career path?

No, I did not participate in any internships during my Masters program. During my undergrad yes, but during my Masters no. I took a certification though. My certification helped because it supported what I was learning in school and gave me confidence when I got to the interview stage of my job search.

What do you currently do and how has your work experience been so far?

I currently work as a business analyst in a finance company and my work experience has been good. I started as a customer service rep in another financial establishment and it’s been good so far. The work culture is amazing. The office is conducive and I also have supportive team members and it’s been great.

How has studying abroad influenced your long-term career goals?

I would say studying abroad has opened my eyes and shaped my perspective when it comes to my career. There are a lot of options. I have noticed that over here, you’re not subjected to a particular path. You can try different things until you figure out what you want to do and that’s one thing I appreciate because I know I am not boxed.

I know I can explore different things if that’s what I want to do. However, if I also want to follow a particular path, there’s room for that. There’s room for dynamism if that’s the correct word. Lol, but yeah, you can be dynamic, you can be flexible with whatever you are doing. You can move from tech to finance, to HR and back to tech. Yeah.

study life

How would you describe the labour market in the UK?

Hmm, regarding the labour market in the UK, there are jobs, but there are so many factors that would determine if you get these jobs. I’d say you have to be prepared beyond having a Master’s degree or whatever degree you have. You have to be prepared. You have to have transferable skills. You need to be able to defend your CVs because, trust me, interviews are not funny. You are going to ask questions, you’re going to do tests.

If you have to get certifications, please do. Don’t say “Oh I’ve paid for my Master’s degree”. I mean some people do not take certifications, but having certifications just boosts your chances and also boosts your knowledge and confidence, at least it did for me. So I’m speaking from my perspective. But there are jobs you just have to be prepared. Also, most of us need someone to sponsor our visas because we are immigrants, so you need to put in the extra effort, you need to stand out. You cannot just be mediocre.

Is there something you wish you had known while in school that would have made your work or study life easier?

Lol. Nothing comes to mind


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