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My Study Life Experience In The UK As An International Student


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This edition of our study life features a Nigerian student currently studying International Business at the University of Plymouth. She shares things to look out for when applying to schools, tips on studying and working as an international student and funny experiences she remembers.

Before going abroad to study, did you have prior undergraduate education experience in your home country?

What was your level of education before you travelled out?

Where did you study?
University of Plymouth

What’s your area of study?
International Business

What are the differences you noticed in the teaching methods in Universities abroad from your home country?
The classrooms or learning environment is free from unnecessary pressure. Everyone knows exactly what they are expected to do. Timetables and deadlines are clearly published ahead of each semester. I also love plagiarism checkers which most universities in my home country do not use.

study life

What would you say about the lecturer-student relationship where you studied abroad? – Or how the University management relates to students
There is an encouragement of one-to-one interaction between students and lecturers.
You can always send an email to the lecture and you are guaranteed a swift response within 24hrs during weekdays.
There are also class bonding (I never experienced that back at home) activities.

What’s the most culture shock experience you witnessed as an international student?
First name-calling, never would I have called my lecturer by their first name.
Also, the simplicity of lectures (I was shocked to see my lecturer kneeling beside me to explain a task which I found difficult).

An International Student Shares Her Study Life Experience In The UK

Are there any funny experiences you’d like to share?
Oh yes! Greeting every bus driver. At first, I was surprised because it made no sense to thank them for paying for my bus ticket and being dropped at my destination.
But look at me now ?

Are there specific things to look out for when applying to schools in your study destination?
The rank of the school in that country. The weather (as some regions have it colder). Living expenses (very important)

study life

What’s it like for international students looking to find a job while studying and post-study? (common jobs for students and other stuff you’d like to add)
For international students, I believe you shouldn’t restrict yourself to care jobs (as they seem to be the most popular and easier jobs to get).

However, there are organizations out there that are willing to offer you a job not violating your visa requirements. You will need to register with agencies and inform them of your term-time and part-time jobs which will help build your CVs in the long run.

Can you comment on the hospitality of the nationals of the country where you study?
The people of Plymouth are really friendly yet sceptical which is natural but over time they warm up to you.

Study Life: Attending A Sixth Form College Prepares You For Study Life Abroad.

Any advice for international students who want to study in the country where you studied?
Please never underestimate the cold. It is real so come prepared.
Never forget you can make it here and have a balanced life as you did back home
Stop procrastinating and make that application today. You won’t regret it

Is there anything you wished you knew before going abroad to study or deciding on your study destination?
I wish I figured out accommodation earlier and not relied on words.
And also prepared properly for the cold (it’s so different from harmattan).

Would you like to stay back in your study destination after your programme? Why?
Yes, there is a whole new world I want to explore.

7 Reasons Your Study Abroad Plans Are Undecided

Your study life as an international student can be without stress. Speak with an International Education Counsellor here to help you with your plans and budget for international education.



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