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Exploring STEM Careers In The UK


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STEM is a learning approach that combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Studying STEM gives students certain basic skills like critical thinking, problem-solving initiative, digital literacy, ability to do teamwork, and communication.

The world is rapidly changing, and technology is now the biggest driver of human development and progress thereby reducing the manpower needed for work.

Over the years, there has been a high demand for STEM careers, and this demand for STEM will increase in the coming years.

STEM is involved in virtually every aspect of life. It involves careers such as:

Science: Doctors, Nurses, Dentist, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and other science professionals.

Technology: Web and Software Developers, Graphic Designers, Fintech, Software Testers

Engineering: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Agricultural Engineering

Mathematics: Financial Analyst, Research Analyst, Economics, Auditor, Statistician

Top Evolving Careers In Stem 

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with construction, manufacturing, analysis, building, and the maintainers of machines.

Mechanical engineering is among the most prominent fields of engineering and some of the most common branches of mechanical engineering are Computer-Aided Design, Composites, Acoustics, Automation, Aerospace, Biotechnology, Automotive, Autonomous Systems.

Database Administrator

Database Administration involves the monitoring of the database, of which database is a set of information stored on a computer. A Database Administrator uses software to arrange and store data in various forms like financial information and many more.

Web Developer

Web Development involves the building of websites. A Web Developer writes codes (java, C++, etc.) that translate into the designs of an actual website. Web Development is also related to Software Development. Software Development is the building of software and mobile applications.

Software Tester

Software Testing involves the running and testing of the codes written by a Software Developer to know if the application works perfectly and if the application also fits the client’s instructions.

Information Security Analyst

Information Security Analysis involves the monitoring of an organization’s security system through a database computer to know if there is a breach of security to the organization. It also involves solving security problems for the organization.

Computer System Administrator

The job of a Computer System Administration involves the daily maintenance of an organization’s computer network. They monitor both the hardware and software of the computer, resolve issues that are within their reach, and get other professionals to solve problems they can not solve. One of their basic skill is being proactive, they are always up to date with everything happening on the computer and are quick to take actions when needed.

Civil Engineer

Civil Engineering involves the construction and maintenance of heavy engineering works like road constructions, bridge constructions, railway constructions, dam construction, sewage construction, airport construction, etc.


Physiology involves the monitoring of the human body and organs and how they work together under normal and abnormal situations. A Physiologist is not a doctor; however, they work in close relationships with doctors.

Medical and Health Service Manager

Medical and Health Service Managers are also referred to as healthcare administrators or healthcare specialists. They manage a special clinical area of an entire medical facility.


A Pediatrician is a doctor that specializes in children. They study everything that has to do with children’s bodies and research possible solutions to rare cases and diseases.


An orthodontist is a specialized dentist that deals with diagnoses and prevention of jaws, gums, and teeth.

Top Undergraduate And Postgraduate Degree Courses In STEM 

  • Robotics
  • Mining Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Nursing
  • Dentistry
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
  • Cybersecurity
  • Biology
  • Data Analysis
  • Software Engineering
  • Material Science Engineering
  • Management Science
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Molecular Physics
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Network and System Administration
  • Informatics
  • Geographic Information Science

Top Universities For STEM In The UK 

The UK is known to be one of the best countries around the world for a study destination. UK’s culture is easily adaptable and the UK gives students opportunities to travel to neighbouring countries with a UK student visa. The UK is also known to have excellent universities for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses.

Before choosing a university to study in the UK, a student should explore the universities and the courses they offer, the student should check the career opportunities in the course of study after graduation, the student should explore the stem courses offered, explore the university campus and research about the university.

Here are some of the top university in the UK for STEM courses

  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • Birmingham City University
  • Bradford University
  • Brunel University
  • Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Canterbury Christ Church University
  • London South Bank University
  • Middlesex University
  • The University of Manchester
  • The University of Warwick
  • King’s College London
  • University of Glasgow

If you have any queries regarding degree options and career paths in STEM, please click here to chat with our counsellors. 


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