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Political Science: The Backroom of Governance

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What strikes the mind as soon as one comes across the term, “political science”, is the idea that its students go on to become politicians. But as much as the idea cannot be said to be untrue, the field boasts many other relevant career options for its aspirants. Political Scientists basically try to examine different components and angles of political systems, deploying comprehensive, objective approaches in the process. Hence, obtaining a degree in political science, gives room for participation in public affairs, different parliamentary positions and other social sciences fields. To a great extent, the diverse specializations in Political Sciences, make the field an interesting one, notwithstanding the complexities within it.  Its importance to the daily activities and interactions of the modern world cannot be overemphasized.

Political Science students are provided with recent data on elections and electoral systems, political parties, judicial processes, public opinions, government systems and many other related fields of study. And with these, they acquire detailed, applicable and professional knowledge on how to best put the data into good use.

Due to its broad scope, it is impossible to study political science without picking up cues and making references to other areas of knowledge. History, economic studies, psychology, sociology, geographic studies and philosophy, are some of the fields that political scientists constantly interact with. That further explains why experts in the field seamlessly fit into multiple job roles and sectors.

Typical Attributes of Political Scientists

As present in other fields, the basic qualities/demands that you need to excel in Political Science, include:

  • The desire to have updated information on (local and international) current affairs.
  • Competency in interpretation of economic, social and political data/statistics.
  • Excellent research and analysis abilities.
  • Eloquence
  • Efficient interpersonal relationship skills.
  • Ample fascination with systems of government and politics.

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 Fields of Specializations in Political Sciences

Political Science graduates are expected to possess the ability to make plausible suggestions that can help build communities and nations. Through active participation in public activities, you can begin to work your way into different governmental and non-governmental parastatals such as political parties and NGOs. The commonest specializations in Political Science are:

Politician: Competes for various positions in a parliament or congress, having already won the support of many through presentation of good ideas.

Campaign Manager: Creates positive awareness, canvasses members of the public to support a political party with different strategies such as marketing, organization of symposiums and coordination of fundraising events. A campaign manager equally counsels political aspirants.

International Business Specialist: Applies the knowledge gained through continuous studies of national and international economic policies to different businesses.

Political Consultant: Since it is impossible for government officials to always make decisions on their own, a political consultant is usually the ideal expert to meet for valuable advice and suggestions on projects, policies and public onions.

Some other careers in Political Science are: Political Commentator, Market Researcher, Analyst and Lobbyist.

INCOME: According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median income of Political Scientists is about $104,000. However, earnings of these experts are basically dependent on organizations, specific careers and roles. For instance, Political Consultants earn about $126,000 on the average while those who work directly with Federal Governments earn as much as $115,000.


After some diligent diggings, the following institutions have been verified to have top-notch provisions for aspiring Political Scientists.


Wow! As you must have realized, Political Science is certainly a field to reckon with. It’ll stay relevant and crucial, as long as humans continue to see the need for governance. TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORN NOW!

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