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Les filtres génériques
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Explorer les carrières dans le domaine créatif


If you fancy working in the creative field with a vibrant environment where fresh ideas are encouraged and rewarded, you are likely to be drawn to industries such as television, publishing, advertising, and music.

Creativity can take many forms and it is highly regarded in many different industries and professions as it leads to innovations and new approaches to solutions. 

Although creativity is not as valued in institutions as in other subjects, there are many professions with high earning potential for creative graduates.

Skills needed in the different careers within the creative field are:
  • Strong communication skill
  • Logical and reasoning
  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Commercial awareness
  • La créativité
  • People management

Careers In The Creative Field

If you studied a creative course or you are looking to start a career in the creative field, here are some of the best careers in the creative field:

  • Art Therapy

Becoming an art therapist helps you use your artistic talents in helping others. This role includes supporting and counseling people who have difficulties in their life such as addiction, behavioral disorders, mental health, illness, etc. 

Art therapists help people overcome these challenges through self-expression and therapeutic activities such as painting, pottery, and dancing. 

To qualify, you will need a degree in the creative field such as an arts-based subject followed by a diploma or degree in art therapy or psychotherapy.

creative field

  • Illustration

Illustrators in the creative field use their drawing and painting skills to create a wide variety of products including cards, newspaper posters, animation, clothing, and books.

Illustrators generally work as freelancers, but there are some in-house roles available. 

The great thing about illustration is that you can start creating a portfolio when you are ready and you don’t need any special skills. The biggest challenge is getting your work published, especially at the beginning, but once you have some experience you should be able to develop relationships with agencies in the creative field who can help you find a job.

Explorer l'article connexe : Comment démarrer une carrière dans le design industriel

  • Community Arts

Would you like to give something back to your community after you graduate? Use the skills you gained from your creative degree to help local people as a community art officer. 

Careers in this creative field include but are not limited to visual arts, music, event management, and theater art. This job involves using artistic activities such as creative writing, dance, music, and theater to interact with different groups in the community. 

The role can be as valuable as the qualification because creative fields are known to be competitive.

  • Videographer

During your undergraduate studies as a videographer you have the opportunity to work with cameras during practical. This experience would be an asset if you want to become a videographer.

While a degree is not required, a certificate in videography would reflect your determination to work in the field. 

Studying videography may also offer the opportunity to use editing tools and software such as Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro which will increase your chances of getting a job.

creative field

  • Presenter

Another useful skill graduates in the creative field possess is the ability to project their voice which makes hosting a television show a good career.

Presenters have the experience of entertaining and acting for an audience, as well as writing and memorizing scripts. They work for local or national radio stations and television. 

There are no academic requirements to become a TV presenter, but a creative degree can give you an edge over other candidates. It will also help you gain some experience before graduation during internship programs with radio stations and television production companies.

  • Talent Scout

Do you prefer to be behind the cameras? You might consider a career in finding talents for the entertainment industry.

Talent agents manage actors, models, musicians, writers, etc. Your role would be to promote your clients and help them find work in the creative field. This requires a high level of industry knowledge which can be acquired through studies and work experience. The ability to network is also a key asset when looking for a job as a talent agent.

You must have excellent interpersonal skills as this role is about working with different types of people.

creative field


If you need further guidance on degree options and career paths in the Creative Field or counselling regarding schools to apply to for your degree, please click here to chat with our counsellors. 


Lire l'article connexe : Commencer une carrière en art-thérapie

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